D.M. 17 ottobre 2014, n. 176

Pubblicato nella G.U. 01.12.2014 il D.M. in materia di microcredito ex art. 111 T.U.B.

Reshaping commercial banking in Italy: new challenges from lending to governance

The 19th Report on the Italian Financial System investigates key issues in two broad areas of research: banking and governance. In the Part One, the Report offers new empirical results on the evolving relationships between banks, firms and retail customers, with a special focus on lending, both at the micro and macro level.
Bracchi G. e Masciandaro, Bancaria Editrice (2014)

Effects of the global crisis on the stability of Italian cooperative credit banks

A comparative analysis among the Italian regions of Arnone M. e Goglio S. in the5thEuricse International Workshop: Cooperative Finance and Sustainable Development (University of Trento 2014)

Bank Lending Procyclicality And Credit Quality During Financial Crises

La crisi che ha scosso dalle fondamenta il sistema finanziario internazionale ha messo in moto un processo di critica e di ripensamento dei modelli interpretativi con i quali accademici e professionisti hanno analizzato i fenomeni economici.
Articoli scientifici di Lopez J., Caporale G.M. e Di Colli S.  Quaderni di Ricerca del Credito Cooperativo QRCC (2014)


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